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Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgery Training and beyond: a reinforcement learning exploration and benchmark

FASTRL is a a set of benchmark tasks used in surgical training which are adapted to the reinforcement learning setting for the purpose of training agents capable of providing assistance to the surgical trainees. The benchmark is provided with the purpose of exploring the domain of human-centric teaching agents within the learning-to-teach formalism.

FASTRL uses the FAST (Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgery Training) simulator provided by Virtamed AG to evaluate the RL pipeline. The simulation provides a number of educational navigation and manipulation tasks performed within a hollow dome structure in accordance with the Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgery Training (FAST) training problem developed by major American orthopaedic associations ABOS (American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery), AAOS (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons) and AANA (Arthroscopy Association of North America).

Benchmark Tasks

The benchmark contains three tasks: image centering and horizoning (ImageCentering), which trains basic endoscope manipulation and monocular depth estimation, periscoping (Periscoping), which trains the use of angled optics and line tracing (TraceLines), which trains steady instrument movement. These tasks consist of guiding the tip of the virtual endoscope to various locations marked by an avatar displaying visual cues. The goal is to orient the endoscope in such a way as to comply with the cues and center the image of the avatar in the field of view of the endoscope camera.


In ImageCentering the tip of the arthroscope (the Agent) must visualize the target avatar by centering the target in the field of view of the arthroscope.

The video below demonstrates what a potential solution shoud look like. In this video, an agent is trained using a PPO policy with a carefully shaped reward function adapted to the task.


In TraceLines, the avatar will follow multiple splines, during which the tip of the arthroscope (the Agent) must follow the avatar.

The video below demonstrates what a potential solution shoud look like. In this video, an agent is trained using a PPO policy with carefully shaped reward function adapted to the task.


In Periscoping the tip of the arthroscope (the Agent) must visualize the target avatar using angeld optics.

The video below demonstrates what a potential solution shoud look like. In this video, an agent is trained using a PPO policy with carefully shaped reward function adapted to the task.

Training an RL Agent Using ML-Agents

The Unity Machine Learning Agents Toolkit (ML-Agents) is an open source toolkit which provides PyTorch implementation of many known RL algorithms such as PPO, SAC and GAIL.

If you are not familar with ML-Agents or not sure how to isntall it via pip, please visit their website.

The following command shows how to train a simple PPO model (described in the config file configs/fast_ppo_config.yaml provided in the repo) for the Periscoping environment (--env pe/pe.x86_64also provided in the repo)

mlagents-learn configs/fast_ppo_config.yaml --env builds/pe/pe.x86_64 --results-dir path/to/results --run-id my_experiment_name

To learn more about different provided environment please see Environments

Training an RL Agent Using Stable Baselines3

Stable Baselines3 is another popular RL open source project providing a set of reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms in PyTorch.

Please check the Stable Baselines3 (SB3) website if you are not familiar with SB3 and for more information on how to setup SB3 via pip.

The following is an example of how to train a PPO agent (described in the config file) for the ImageCentering environment.

python --ml_config_path configs/config_sb3.yaml --env builds/ic/ic.x86_64 --run_id my_experiment_name --results_dir results --task_name ImageCentering

Training Configs

In the folder configs we provide template config files to train the agents. Depending on whether using ML-Agents or SB3 the config file must respect the required format.


The environments are released as binaries, however we provide an API to interact with the environments of the dataset. A fixed set of parameters allow modification of key aspects of the environment. The parameters can be passed in a .yaml configuration file as well as through the command line. For the input to be interpreted correctly, especially the .yaml files, strict adherance to the layout and formatting of the input is necessary.

Below is a list of all the binary files provided:

Task MacOs Linux Windows Description
ImageCentering FAST_IC ic - Default binaries for ImageCentering task
Periscoping FAST_PE pe - Default binaries for Periscoping task
TraceLines FAST_TL tl - Default binaries for TraceLines task

Configurable parameters

The parameters that can be modified are categorzied in three groups: agent parameters, companion parameters, environment parameters. The agent parameters set values in either the agent class or the reward handler class. The companion parameters modify values the companion manager class and the environment parameters modify values the game manager class.

For each task, the default parameters are provided in the configs folder.

Agent parameters

The following table illustrates the configurable parameters pertaining to the agent. The only parameter that varies between different tasks is the list of reward weights due to the reward shaping being specific to each task.

Parameter Type   Description
name string shorthand name for the task currently being executed
recordDemo bool whether a demonstration should be recorded in ML-Agents format
maxStep int the maximum amount of steps the agent can take to complete a task before the episode is reset (from ML-Agents Agent class)
timeScale int Defines the multiplier for the deltatime in the simulation. If set to a higher value, time will pass faster in the simulation but the physics may perform unpredictably. Default 20
rewardWeights Dictionary<string, float> the weights used to calculate the reward for a particular action; this list varies between tasks, see lists below
actionSpaceForce bool Wehther to use the default Force and Torque action space. If False, a discrete action space of size 11 is used. Current binaries only accept discrete action space.
newStateSpec bool Whether to use the new larger state space which is exactly the same across all tasks. Otherwise a legacy state space is used which is not unirform across tasks.
stackSize int Stack size number to use in ML-Agents. Default is 1
goalConditioning bool Whether to include the target’s positions in the state space
useCameraRotation bool Whether to rotate the camera. Only for ImageCentering
rotateTarget bool Whether to rotate the Target. Only for ImageCentering
withVelocity bool Whether to use velocity in the state space

Reward weight lists for every task:

Companion parameters

The following table illustrates the configurable parameters pertaining to the companion.

Parameter Type    Description
firstNPos int how many positions from the list of positions should be used in an episode, ie how many tasks per episode; should be in the range [1, positions.length]
positions List<Vector3> the positions of the companion in the dome
randomPos bool whether to randomize the positions of the companion or not; if this is set, the positions list is disregarded. Random positions are generated in range (randLoX, randHiX), (randLoY, randHiY), (randLoZ, randHiZ) described below.
shufflePos bool whether to shuffle the list of positions
addNoise bool whether to add noiseValue noise to the positions.
noiseValue float amount of noise added to each position
randLoX float minimum value of the range from which random positions are generated along x-axis
randHiX float maximum value of the range from which random positions are generated along x-axis
randLoY float minimum value of the range from which random positions are generated along y-axis
randHiY float maximum value of the range from which random positions are generated along y-axis
randLoZ float minimum value of the range from which random positions are generated along z-axis
randHiZ float maximum value of the range from which random positions are generated along z-axis
sphereConstraint bool whether constrain random position generation to be inside a sphere defined by sphereCenter and sphereRadius
sphereCenter list coordinate of the centre of the sphere mentioned above
sphereRadius float radius of the sphere mentioned above
splines List<List<<Vector3>> Coordinates of each point to define each spline. Only for TraceLines
maxSplinePos int maximum number with which a spline can be defined. Used for randomly generated splines

To increase the number of positions in the positions list, it is not sufficient to increase the firstNPos parameter. Just increasing firstNPos will result in firstNPos being set (back) to positions’ length, as firstNPos respects the invariant firstNPos <= positions.length. Instead, additional positions must be added manually with increasing indices (see section on configuration files).

The addNoise option will add random noise in the range [-noiseValue, noiseValue] to all positions. Afterwards all the positions must be within the dome. If a position lies outside the dome, then the process is started over. The process can restart a maximum of 10 times. After these 10 tries, the fixed list of positions is taken (i.e. the positions with no noise are used).

The randomPos option will generate random positions respecting the following ranges for the coordinates:

The generated positions will all be inside the dome, however it can happen that the arthroscope has difficulty reaching some of these postions.

Environment parameters

The following table illustrates the configurable parameters pertaining to the environment.

Parameter Type Description
seed int the random seed used to set UnityEngine.Random
model string the name of the trained model to run in inference mode

The seed initializes UnityEngine.Random to allow non-deterministic behavior in the environment, such as generating random positions for the companion.

When running the environment in inference mode, the model (the ‘brains’ of the agent) can be changed. There is a default, built-in model that will run when no other model is specified. Otherwise, the given model will be run. The model must be stored in the ‘.onnx’ format and must be placed in the Resources folder of the build. Just the name of the file (i.e. no extension) should be passed as an argument to load in the model.

Configuration files

Input can be passed to the environment in a .yaml configuration file. There is a default config file that is always loaded into the environment to initialize all the parameters. This file should not be modified, as any discrepancies can cause the file to not be loaded, resulting in the environment crashing. To modify any of the values, pass them on through a custom configuration file. The custom config file will overwrite the default values. Here is the default configuration file for ImageCentering with the default values for all parameters:

  name: ic
    progressBar: 2.0
    taskCompleted: 100.0
    leftDome: 1000.0
    timeStepPenalty: 0.0
    maxVelocityPenalty: 0.1
    distReward: 0.01
    angleReward: 0.001
    visReward: 0.01
  decisionPeriod: 1
  timeScale: 20
  recordDemo: false
  playBackDemo: false
  demoPlayBackPath: Demos/converted/ic/
  maxStep: 10000
  actionSpaceForce: true
  newStateSpec: true
  stackSize: 1
  goalConditioning: true
  withVelocity: true
  useCameraRotation: true
  rotateTarget: false
firstNPos: 6
  - #0:
    x: -2.0
    y: 4.5
    z: 0.91
  - #1:
    x: -5.0
    y: 4.5
    z: -1.09
  - #2:
    x: 0.5
    y: 8.0
    z: -0.09
  - #3:
    x: -2.0
    y: 4.0
    z: -0.09
  - #4:
    x: -5.0
    y: 6.0
    z: -1.09
  - #5:
    x: 1.0
    y: 7.5
    z: -0.09
randomPos: false
shufflePos: false
addNoise: false
noiseValue: 0.3
randLoX: -3.0
randHiX: 0.0
randLoY: 2.0
randHiY: 10.0
randLoZ: -1.5
randHiZ: 1.5
sphereConstraint: false
  x: 0.0
  y: 7.7
  z: 0.0
sphereRadius: 2.0
splines: #leave empty
maxSplinePos: 0

seed: 13

The layout follows the standard layout for .yaml files.

Custom configuration files

Custom configuration files can refer to any subset of parameters. However, it is very important that the layout adheres to the same layout in the default configuration file. The file should consist of three main blocks, delimited by the comments “#tasks”, “#companion” and “#other”. Any agent parameters should appear under the “#tasks” block, any companion parameters under the “#companion” block and environment parameters belong under the “#other” block.

There is a global custom configuration file that is always loaded in, and during training this should be used to modify the default values. This is because ML-Agents does not allow command line input to the environment. Otherwise, when running the environment with a trained agent, both the given global config file and any .yaml config file passed via command line will be read in. The global config will overwrite the default values, and a file explicitly passed in the command line will overwrite the global config values. If the global custom config file should not be used or have any effect, leave it empty.

All custom configuration files must be placed in the StreamingAssets folder, which is located in the *_Data folder of the build.

Here is an example how to format a custom configuration file:

    progressBar: 0.2
    taskCompleted: 100.0
    leftDomeWeight: -1000.0
  timeScale: 1
  recordDemo: false
  timeScale: 1
  recordDemo: true
  maxStep: 10000

firstNPos: 6
  - #1:
    x: -2.0
    y: 3.5
    z: 1
  - #6:
    x: 0.5
    y: 4.0
    z: 0.91
addNoise: true

seed: 14
model: ImageCentering59

Note that indentation is very important and no additional comments should be left in the file other than the comments delimiting the blocks and the comments specifying the index number of a position.

For the positions list: any position in the list from the default config file can be changed by specifying the index in the comment after the dash (see above). Furthermore, additional positions can be added to the list by specifying the index to be greater than the indices of the other positions in the list. In the example above, the second position (with index 6) would be added to the end of the existing list.

See below for examples on how to call the environment and pass a custom config file.

Command line flags

Input can also be given via the command line, however only when running the environment with a trained model (i.e. not when training). Here are the flags we provide and how to pass arguments with them:


author={Beuret, Ami
and Ovinnikov, Ivan
and Cavaliere, Flavia
and Buhmann, Joachim M.},
title={Fundamentals of Arthroscopic Surgery Training and beyond: a reinforcement learning exploration and benchmark},
journal={International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery},
abstract={This work presents FASTRL, a benchmark set of instrument manipulation tasks adapted to the domain of reinforcement learning and used in simulated surgical training. This benchmark enables and supports the design and training of human-centric reinforcement learning agents which assist and evaluate human trainees in surgical practice.},